Friday, April 6, 2012

Recycling for Easter With My New Cricut Mini

I recently made a fun batch of what I like to call "cakeggs" for Easter. (for instructions, see my crafts blog I wanted to make sugar-free cake for our neighbor, who is 90 years old and has been like another grandma to me throughout my life,  Once I was done with the cakeggs, I started thinking about putting them in an Easter basket for her. This is my attempt at doing so without buying another basket that won't be used again or that annoying plastic grass that gets thrown out. You can do this with your kids even without a Cricut. It would be a fun suprise for grandparents to get their own homemade basket from the kids!
I picked a box that I received in the mail and wrapped it in craft paper. I then grabbed some bright papers and used my Cricut Mini to cut out Kate's name and some other shapes such as eggs, flowers, and a pretty cross. You could have kids paint or draw pictures or cut out their own shapes, adding sequins, feathers, etc. as they please. Our neighbor has been the recipient of many craft projects in my childhood so I wanted to make her something that would remind her of when I was a kid.

I also made her a card. Since I'd never had a Cricut before, I got a little excited.
But my most favorite part was the "grass"....
I went in our dance studio's office and grabbed out a bunch of the shredded papers! Of course, if you wanted to, you could shred colored paper.
Here's the finished project with my cakeggs, ready for my famous "ding dong ditch"...


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